Unilevel MLM Softwares in Malaysia

Unilevel MLM Softwares in Malaysia

Unilevel MLM Softwares in Malaysia

Unilevel compensation plan is an organizational structure deployed as software by Marketing or Multi-level marketing companies, when its business model prefers to sponsor as many distributors as they can without any limitation whereby placing all of them as their frontline. However, rather than advancing and breaking away everyone is paid the same commission rates. That’s where the term unilevel comes from, as everyone is on the same level. In an unilevel pay plan, you are paid a certain number of levels deep into your organization – usually 5 to 8 levels. Some plans require you to advance in rank before you can be paid on all levels, while some will increase your compensation as you advance. Unlike a stair-step plan, none of your downline will ever break away from you in a unilevel plan.
Unilevel Compensation Plan is among the oldest plan in the multi-level marketing industry with his proven records. The overall structure of this plan is very much easy to understand and operate. As the name suggests it only allows you to support one line of distributors, so everyone you support is frontline. There is no limit to the number of people you support in your frontline and the commissions are normally paid on limited depth or so on. So the main idea of this plan is to hire a large number of frontline distributors and then ask them to do the same. Unilevel Compensation Plan is a very much promising plan to make money but it can become a hassle if you don’t have the right tool to operate it, so to manage all that we have got the right kind Unilevel Compensation Plan Software.








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